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  1. Where will the tutoring sessions be conducted?
    All tutoring sessions are currently conducted online via Zoom or Microsoft Teams. Participants will be assigned a set of online meeting information. Both platforms require login with your HKU Portal information. Other access with a personal account or email address will not be able to conduct the tutoring sessions.

    (1) Go to the website:
    (2) Click the “Login” button and log in with HKU Portal ID and PIN.
    (3) Enter the assigned meeting ID and password for the tutoring session.

    Microsoft Teams
    (1) On the Microsoft Teams client/web version of Microsoft Teams, click “Sign in”.
    (2) Type in your HKU email address and click “Next”.
    (3) Sign in with your HKU email address and HKU Portal PIN/account password.
    (4) Enter the assigned meeting ID and password for the tutoring session.

  2. Where can I check my online meeting ID and password?
    Online meeting information, i.e. meeting link, ID and password, are assigned to participants by CEDARS-CoPE. You can always check the details on “Tutoring Bookings” under “Tutoring Record”.

  3. I logged in to Zoom/Microsoft Teams 15 minutes in advance, but I still could not enter the meeting room. Why?
    There are different reasons for unsuccessful access to the online meeting. Below are the actions you can take when you encounter the issue:

    (1) Make sure you have logged in with HKU Portal information via SSO.
    (2) Check if you are using the correct set of meeting information to join the meeting.
    (3) Wait patiently for the co-host to start the meeting. Currently, only Peer Tutors are assigned as co-hosts.

  4. What should I do if my Peer Tutor/Tutee does not show up in the session?
    Please remain in the online meeting, your Peer Tutor/Tutee may still be occupied with the previous lecture/tutorial/task or may encounter technical issues when connecting to the online session.

  5. I am sick today/ I have to be late for the tutoring session today. How can I acknowledge my Peer Tutor/Tutee about the cancellation or postponement?
    If you are sick and cannot host/attend the tutoring session, please cancel the tutoring session as soon as possible before its commencement. Both Peer Tutor and Tutee will be notified by email about the tutorial status when either side initiated the cancellation.

    Postponement is not encouraged as it may disrupt both the personal timetable and tutoring schedule for both sides. If you have sought consent from your Peer Tutor/Tutee and got the contact information, you can inform him/her via the communication channels agreed upon by both sides.

  6. Can I change my Peer Tutor/Tutee?
    No. Under normal circumstances, Peer Tutors and Tutees should respect the free-matching mechanism of the programmes. Participants should continue the tutorials following the matching results. Programme Administrators will only intervene in the matching when any misconduct or acts of violation are reported or identified.

  7. Is it possible for me to use other platforms to conduct/attend the tutoring session? Can I switch to a face-to-face meetup?
    All participants should respect and follow the latest programme arrangements. Zoom and Microsoft Teams are the major platforms for conducting online tutorials. If the tutoring sessions should be conducted online, switching the online tutorial to a face-to-face meetup will be regarded as violating the rules and regulations, and vice versa.

  8. I would like to continue practising pronunciation/ conversation. Can I record the tutoring session?
    No. To respect each other’s privacy, voice and/or video recording is strictly prohibited.