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  1. How to cancel a tutoring session?
    You should perform cancellation of an upcoming tutoring session via the Booking System. Requests made by email or phone call will not be accepted.

    Follow the steps below to cancel a session:
    (1) On your “Dashboard”, select “Tutoring Bookings” on the side menu.
    (2) Click the “Cancel” button for the session that you would like to cancel.
    (3) Provide a valid written explanation, read and agree to the terms of the Disclaimer, then click “Confirm” to proceed.
    (4) Check the details again and click “Confirm” to submit the request.

    Cancellation of a tutoring session is irreversible. Please check your schedule and the cancellation policy before submitting the request. There is no guarantee that the session can be rescheduled as it depends on the Peer Tutor’s availability.

  2. How do I reschedule a tutoring session?
    Not all the cancelled sessions are eligible for rescheduling. Tutees can only reschedule a session that is cancelled at least 30 minutes before its commencement. Timeslot for the make-up session is selected on a first-come-first-served basis.

    Follow the steps below to reschedule a session:
    (1) On your “Dashboard”, select “Rescheduling/Cancellation Record”.
    (2) Click the “Reschedule” button for the cancelled session that you would like to reschedule.
    (3) Select a preferred session from the list of remaining sessions from your Peer Tutor, and click “Next” to continue.
    (4) Read and agree to the terms of the Disclaimer, then click “Submit” to proceed.

    For Peer Tutors, the Programme Administrator(s) will release the reserved timeslots under your name for Tutees to select. You may be asked to provide additional timeslots to facilitate the make-up arrangements.

  3. Can I reschedule a make-up session?
    No. You cannot reschedule a session that has already been rescheduled, i.e. make-up session. You have no choice but to cancel/ withdraw from the session if you could not make it to the make-up session.

  4. What should I do when there are no available timeslots for rescheduling?
    The number of options available for selection depends on the number of remaining timeslots offered by the Peer Tutor. When you cancel a session as a Tutee, you have to bear the risk of not being able to reschedule. 

    If there are no available sessions available for selection, please apply in writing by email to within 3 working days. Provision of additional timeslots by Peer Tutors is on a voluntary basis and subject to their availability. Such requests will be actioned upon the confirmation of the Peer Tutor and the rescheduling arrangements are not guaranteed.

  5. I encountered an emergency event and cannot attend the tutoring session, but I don’t want to disappoint my Peer Tutor/Tutee. Can I ask my classmates to host/attend the tutoring session for me?
    Absolutely not. This is not an appropriate handling for such a situation.

    The tutoring sessions are registered under your name and they are not transferable. Asking your classmates (whether they have enrolled in the programmes or not) is strictly prohibited, you and the classmate concerned will have to take the risk of being suspended from participating in the programmes because of such an act. Should you be unable to attend any session with a valid justification, you may consider cancelling the tutoring session via the Booking System. Please refer to Question 1 under the section “Scheduling/Booking”.