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Peer English Tutoring and Survival Cantonese, are the Peer Language Tutoring Programmes for current HKU students who would like to utilise or enhance their language proficiency. Both programmes are administered by the Counselling and Person Enrichment Section (CoPE) of the Centre of Development and Resources for Students (CEDARS).

To participate in the programmes, you are obliged to respect the following rules and arrangements.

Programme Timeline, Booking Platform and Compliance:

Programme Timeline

Programmes run on a semester-basis
(Sem 1: Sep to Nov; Sem 2: Feb to Apr)

Online Booking

Bookings must be made online via this System with a valid HKU Portal account

Compliance to rules & regulations

Full compliance with the rules and regulations is a must*

*Violation of such may be subject to immediate suspension and cessation of participation in the following semester.

Tutoring Sessions

All tutoring sessions are offered:

9am to 9pm

Between 9:00 am and 9:00 pm*

Monday to Friday

From Monday to Friday (Public Holidays, University Holidays & Reading Week included)

Saturday & Sunday - No tutorials

No tutorials on Saturdays & Sundays

*Participants are encouraged to read the FAQs for troubleshooting during non-office hours.

Duration, Tutoring Platform and Online Meeting Details:

1-hour session

Each session lasts for 1 hour

Tutorials are conducted via online meeting platforms

All sessions are conducted online via Zoom or Microsoft Teams (via SSO login)

Unique online meeting ID and password

Unique online meeting information (ID & password) assigned by CEDARS-CoPE

One-on-one Format & Privacy:

  • Only Peer Tutor and the Tutees matched will share the same set of meeting ID and password. To respect the one-on-one tutoring format, all participants should keep the information private. Do not disclose the details to any third party.
  • Participants should adhere to the programme arrangements prescribed by CEDARS-CoPE. The use of other platforms, including self-created Zoom/Microsoft Teams meetings, or switching the Zoom meetings to face-to-face meetups is strictly prohibited. Both the Peer Tutor and the Tutee will be regarded as “Absent” from the tutorial and have violated the rules when any non-official platform is used.

Tutoring Sessions on Offer:

The total number of tutoring sessions for each semester is subject to the available timeslots provided by Peer Tutors.

Timeslots Selection:

Tutoring timeslots are offered on a voluntary basis. It is the participants’ responsibility to carefully review their timetable and identify suitable tutoring timeslots. By clicking the “Submit”/ “Confirm” button, you agree with the tutoring schedule and are expected to fully attend all the tutorials.